Georgetown Village Calendar



Medical Alert Devices Webinar with
Dr. Richard Caro of
Tech-Enhanced Life
Wednesday, August 21st
7 p.m. via Zoom


This program is being offered to members and volunteers of DC Villages by our friends at Cleveland/Woodley Park Village.


Click here to register for this webinar or call 202-615-5853.

Your ability to summon help in an emergency is an important part of the safety net needed for aging in place. But what alert is best for you? Join a FREE webinar on Wednesday, August 21st, at 7 p.m. via zoom to hear Dr. Richard Caro of Tech Enhanced Life address two important questions about medical alert technologies.


1.) If you need a medical alert device, how do you sift through competing claims and decide which product is right for you? Dr. Caro will describe a procedure to guide you to a product that is the best match to your specific life circumstance.

2.) With accelerating advances in “wearables”, and “voice-enabled assistants,” are there better options to conventional medical alert devices? Dr. Caro will provide an overview of emerging trends.

The material in this talk is based on extensive hands-on testing by Tech-enhanced Life and the “Longevity Explorers,” a unique sharing, evaluation, and ideation community made up of older adults and their friends, families, and caregivers. The research is independent and objective, and is not directed or funded by any product vendors.

Click the link below to learn more:
Please note that by registering for the webinar, you agree to be contacted twice after the webinar to provide your feedback and information regarding the purchase and/or use of a medical alert device.

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202 -999 – 8988
[email protected]
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